
NCFC Youth is working to promote and develop a broad range of soccer opportunities that enhance character, community, and the love of the game of soccer for local youth. Integrated in this mission is the building of self-esteem, self-confidence, team work, respect for self and others, and all the inherent benefits of physical exercise.

NCFC Youth is committed to providing service, charity and education to the community it serves. In an effort to provide increased opportunities for children to participate in soccer, NCFC Youth offers financial assistance to those players from families that have a documented financial need. Information submitted for financial assistance consideration is kept strictly confidential.

All Financial Assistance awards are intended to fill the gap between what a family can afford to pay and what is required for registration (i.e. NCFC Youth Club Fee). It is expected that ALL players will contribute something towards these financial requirements. Only in extremely rare circumstances will all three be covered completely through a Financial Assistance award. If at any time during the season a player has fallen behind on payments to the Club or to their team Treasurer, the player will not be able to participate in team training or any games. This policy is strictly enforced.

"I can’t tell you how much it means to our family to have been awarded financial aid so that my grandson can play soccer, without financial help he would not of had this wonderful opportunity of being able to play organized soccer. I want to thank all of the donors that have made this a reality. He has received so much from playing soccer. He has learned team work, fostered his social and communication skills, and made so many new friends. He’s built strength and endurance and has learned so many new, on field skills. He loves soccer and was so happy to have the opportunity to play another season!" - NCFC Youth Recreation Grandparent


As a non-profit organization, the goal of the NCFC Youth financial assistance program is to assist low-income families or families with extraordinary temporary circumstances. Awards will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Household Income
  • Families with Single Parent
  • Employment of Both Spouse
  • Extenuating medical or family hardships

If you still have questions, please email us and we will return your email as soon as possible.

Application and Award Process

Applications for financial assistance for the 2023-2024 season are now open. The application can be found by logging into your PlayMetrics account, clicking on the “Club Programs” module on the left hand side and then the "Financial Aid" tab near the middle/top of the screen. A blue REQUEST FINANCIAL AID button will appear at the very top right corner.

We are requesting ALL players utilize the PlayMetrics system to submit their application. If you need assistance accessing PlayMetrics or with the application, please
email us.

The Financial Assistance Committee will review applications in the order in which they are received completed. Unlike years past, your award will be available for use in the Acceptance Process, so please get your application and supporting documents in as soon as possible.

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