NCFC Youth has a zero tolerance for abuse in all ages, programs and club activities. It is the responsibility of every coach, volunteer, parent and player to participate in the effort to create a safe environment for all sports participants.
All members of the NCFC Youth coaching staff are role models and ambassadors for the Club, and are held to expectations that reflect the values of our organization.
If an athlete is suspected to have a concussion, either observed by a coach, parent, referee, or another player, he/she is to be removed from the game or practice and assessed for a possible concussion.
NCFC Youth offers financial aid to those players from families that demonstrate a clear financial need.
The following are guidelines that NCFC Youth has put in place for any team fundraising efforts.
NCFC Youth players, coaches, and assistant coaches are covered by accident insurance during each season at scheduled practices and games.
NCFC Youth believes that the attitude shown by parents toward the coaches, the referees, fellow parents, the opposing players are of paramount importance, and we expect the highest standards of courtesy, sportsmanship and positive behavior among our parents, their players and families at all times.
No pets (e.g., dogs, cats, or other leashed animal) are allowed at any NCFC Youth owned or operated facility used for practices, games, and/or tournaments (except for a documented service animal).
Acceptance of membership by NCFC Youth is a privilege that carries certain responsibilities. As a NCFC Youth player you are representing our club at all times.
Acceptance or registration on a NCFC Youth team confirms a player’s commitment to the team, the Club, and the fees associated with membership for a full year or season depending on the program. NCFC Youth will review requests for an adjustment to Club Fees in the case of a significant injury or relocation.
This policy is for any individual who chooses to associate him/her-self with NCFCY through social media either through an approved team account, a personal account, or other means.
Player safety on and off the field is our priority, and we use a catalog of resource to help inform our decisions to adapt to weather changes, suspend, and/or cancel when needed.
This policy pertains to ECNL, classic and juniors games played on NCFC Youth fields only. It does not apply to weather closures or acts of god.
Monday 11 AM–4 PM
Tuesday 11 AM–4PM
Wednesday 11 AM–4 PM
Thursday 11 AM-4 PM
Friday 9 AM-2 PM
Capital Area Soccer League dba North Carolina FC Youth (NCFC Youth) is a 501c3 non-profit organization (federal tax id: 22-7441292)