
We are looking for referees and all NEW aspiring referees must be certified by USSOCCER before they can work.

Certification & Eligibility

North Carolina Soccer Referee Association (NCSRA) provides the registration and on field training session and USSOCCER administers the online course work. All new aspiring referees must complete the online work and pass the test and complete the on field training session in order to be certified.

Referees must be at least 14 years old or within 3 months of turning 14.

If interested, please register here.

The certification process:

  1. Complete registration
  2. Create a US Soccer Learning Center account
  3. Complete the US Soccer 1st Time New Referee Course
  4. Complete the online SafeSport Training Course
  5. Complete the online Safe and Healthy Playing Environments Course
  6. Attend an in-person or online training session
  7. Pass the NCSRA New Referee Test

Upon completion, referees must contact the NCSRA administrator to finalize certification and receive their badge, uniform details, and welcome packet.

The 2025 Certification allows you to officiate the remainder of 2024 and all of 2025.

Re-certification is required every year and begins July 1 for the following year.

After passing the certification test you must contact Brian Miller, NCFC's Referee Assignor, in order to be scheduled to work. New referees usually start out as an assistant referee (AR) on younger games. Referees will then receive a login to Arbiter where they can enter their personal data and get set up to receive game assignments.

Rules of Play


Contact Brian Miller, NCFC Youth's Referee Assignor.

Game Day Mobile Phone: (919) 909-2276

Referees or coaches, please use the game day mobile number to report no-shows, lateness, serious game problems, etc.

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