NCFC Youth's own, Maxwell Shell, won NCYSA TOPSoccer Buddy of the Year!
Maxwell is a sophomore at Green Level High School and has been playing soccer since he was 4 years old. He is currently on '06 Gold South and was awarded TOPSoccer Buddy of the Year in the Spring of 2022. Maxwell’s favorite thing about TOPSoccer is his buddy, Carson. Carson always puts a smile on Maxwell's face and brightens his day.
Maxwell and Carson have built a strong bond that extends outside of TOPSoccer. Carson attends Maxwell's NCFC Youth and high school games and cheers exuberantly for him! Carson loves yelling, “Go Max”!
When asked how Maxwell feels about winning TOPSoccer Buddy of the Year, he says,
“I’m humbled...I really enjoy my Sunday afternoons with Carson and being on the field with all the TOPSoccer buddies and athletes. Receiving an award for doing something that has been so meaningful to me just seems like icing on the cake. To be honest, I didn't even know the award existed until I received notification that I won it. Carson's mom was so thoughtful to take her time to nominate me”.
Maxwell, Carson, and their families are so grateful for the TOPSoccer program and the friendship it has built.
Carson’s mom, Ashley Shaffer, is extremely grateful for Maxwell.
Ashley Shaffer's letter to Maxwell and the TOPSoccer Program:
“It has been such an amazing experience for my son as well as our WHOLE family. We are thrilled to have found this organization as we always strive to push Carson to try new things all while feeling a sense of acceptance and success.
My son, Carson is 10. He was diagnosed with Autism at age 3. Autism brings many challenges, especially when it comes to trying new things. Despite this, we decided to give TOPSoccer a shot. Having had not so great experiences with extracurricular activities in the past, we felt that the many hours he has had to sit at a soccer field and watch his twin sister play, THIS was going to give him a turn. We wanted it to be something he was comfortable with and had the potential to be a positive experience. TOPSoccer was that and so much MORE!
Into our lives came Max. I remember sitting and watching Max with Carson at the first practice and thinking to myself “We have REALLY hit the jackpot with this big buddy!”. He was so natural, patient, kind, AND fun! We knew from that moment this was going to be a positive experience for Carson. To see Max, give all he had to make this 1 hour of Carson’s week a great experience was truly the best feeling as a parent. That is where their friendship began! Watching them on the field is truly a special thing. The way they interact is priceless! The many high fives, silly dances, flexing their muscles with each other, laughs, races all the way across the field are truly the highlight of Carson’s week. Carson always looks forward to Sundays, in fact during the season he would ask EVERY SINGLE DAY “Mom, how many days until Sunday? How many days until I see Max?”. As the season progressed so did their friendship. Not only did Max show up for Carson on Sundays, but he did throughout the week too. He would often email just to check in and see how Carson’s week was going. As the season drew to an end, Max even asked if we would be willing to bring Carson to meet up with him to play soccer over the summer. This is just one example of how Max was committed to being a part of Carson’s life.
We were fortunate enough that Max was able to come back again for the Fall season. Again, their bond was so apparent, and it was yet another successful and positive experience for Carson. Just like all friendships evolve, this season our family wanted to make more efforts to be just as involved in Max’s life outside of TOPSoccer. We enjoyed going to his high school soccer games, meeting his teammates and friends, and spending time getting to know his family. Max and his family even come to support my daughter in her games as she is in her first year on the Classic level with NCFC.
When I describe to others how our experience with Max has been, it’s almost impossible not to tear up. I often describe him with the expression “He’s just THAT kid!”. He is exactly the type of role model I want for Carson and my daughter. He shows respect, responsibility, commitment, compassion, and empathy for others. He has made such an impact in not only Carson’s life, but in the life of our whole family. We are and will forever be grateful for the kindness he and his family have shown us."
Congratulations Maxwell, from all of us at, NCFC Youth!
Shoutout to Accentuate Staffing for helping us find Power of Positive stories!
TOPSoccer is proudly sponsored and supported by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC!
Monday 11 AM–4 PM
Tuesday 11 AM–4PM
Wednesday 11 AM–4 PM
Thursday 11 AM-4 PM
Friday 9 AM-2 PM
Capital Area Soccer League dba North Carolina FC Youth (NCFC Youth) is a 501c3 non-profit organization (federal tax id: 22-7441292)